TV Review: Agents of SHIELD 3×08-10 Recap and Review

Apologies are due to everyone who have been clamoring for some commentary on Agents of SHIELD the past couple of weeks.  My absence has been noted.  Be that as it may, the past is the past, so lets dive right…

Album Review : Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven

Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven… is something. It’s hard to really explain, despite the fact that it can be as simplistic as saying Kid Cudi is trying to be a rough – Kurt Cobain – with his sad-boy like approach to the…

Ally’s Movie Review: Mojave

Reuniting after Inside Llewyn Davis in William Monahan’s second feature film is Garrett Hedlund and Oscar Isaac. Hedlund plays Thomas, a suicidal artist in the dregs of Hollywood who goes out into the desert. While there he comes across a lone homicidal…

Book Review: ‘Red Girl, Blue Boy’ by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Bloomsbury’s contemporary If Only romance line is very hit or miss. Red Girl, Blue Boy completely missed the mark; not only that, but it obliterated anything that bore even a slight resemblance to the mark, leaving cheese and shudders in its wake.…

Album Review: “25” by Adele

To say I’m emotionally wrecked would be the predictable response after listening to Adele’s highly anticipated new album, 25. I’m not wrecked; I feel fine. I didn’t go through an emotional catharsis (although I sure feel like I’m in need…

Book Review: ‘Everything, Everything’ by Nicola Yoon

Everything, everything about Everything, Everything (excuse the pun!) could have been tremendous. However, the execution of the plot (in particular that twist towards the end of the book), the use of Olly primarily as a plot device, and the over…

Book Review: ‘A Madness So Discreet’ by Mindy McGinnis

What I love most about A Madness So Discreet is its attempt to be unlike any other young adult novel or any historical fiction piece set in the 1800’s. However this same attempt to be unique also is the novel’s…