Book Review: ‘The One Thing’ by Marci Lyn Curtis

  I liked “The One Thing” because it was a reasonably fast paced read, but I didn’t love it. It’s not even close to being one of my personal favorite contemporary romance books that I’ve read so far this year, but I still…

‘Dream Things True’ Blog Tour: Interview + Review + Giveaway + Video Clip

This is my review of Dream Things True. Be sure to hang on for an interview with the author, a video clip, and a giveaway at the very end of the post. Dream Things True is an important story about…

Book Review: ‘Truest’ by Jackie Lea Sommers

Truest is one of those beautiful books that I enjoyed so much that it’s difficult for me to put it into words. Silas Hart is the type of character that will equally warm and break your heart at the same time.…

TV Review: Show Me a Hero Finale

Show Me a Hero has been a powerful and incredibly timely piece of television. Running at only six episodes long there was a fear that it wouldn’t have the impact it could with a longer running time, but six hours…

Ally’s Movie Review: Queen of Earth

On a technical, detached and mildly unfun standpoint, I got why people liked Listen up Philip. The writing and delivery of the dialogue was acidic and the performers were strong but I just couldn’t bring myself to care. I watched…

Reading ‘Harry Potter’ for the First Time: ‘The Chamber of Secrets’

This is about the third time I’ve tried to write this review and holy cow am I nervous. There’s like a 95% chance that you, the person reading this, is going to hate what I’m about to say. Breathe, Michael,…

Jon’s Movie Review: “The Water Diviner” Digs Its Own Watery Grave

There will always be untold stories of unsung heroes that do uplifting things. Sure, sometimes they are fictionalized characters telling a dramatized story of true-ish events, but when done precisely, you forget that you’re being forced to feels empathy for…