‘Big Brother’ Canada 9 Week 2 Review: The Sunsetters controlled the week

The outcome of Big Brother Canada 9’s Week #2 was up in the air right to the final few hours. This round was a prime example of how fun and thrilling Big Brother can be when the houseguests give it…

‘Big Brother’ Canada 9 Week 1 Review: The game has become Survivor

Big Brother Canada couldn’t stay away for too long! Big Brother Canada 9 opened its doors to start another season of betrayals, competitions, and Canadian pride. After the pandemic forced Big Brother Canada 8 to abruptly end early, the series…

Survivor: Winners at War Finale Review: “It All Boils Down To This” crowns the most competitive threat yet

Twenty years and 40 seasons of Survivor have led to this iconic moment: who is the winner of winners? Survivor: Winners at War was a great experience to see what happens when the iconic winners of the series (in some…

Survivor: Winners at War 40×11 Review: “This is Extortion” spotlights Tony’s strong game

Tony is on a roll on Survivor: Winners at War. As surprising as it may be, the Survivor: Cagayan winner has been getting one lucky break after another. “This is Extortion” is the type of round that could end a…

Survivor: Winners at War 40×10 Review: “The Full Circle” Brings Tears and Tribal Council Chaos

Survivor: Winners at War had the most emotional loved ones visit in all of Survivor history. For such an iconic season, the reveal of entire families appearing was the perfect way to surprise the veteran winners and treat the viewers.…

Survivor: Winners at War 40×09 Review: Adam and Ben go to war in “War is Not Pretty”

Paranoia ran rampant through the tribe on Survivor: Winners at War. After the immunity challenge, it was like a spark went off and everyone kicked into overdrive trying to switch the target. It was so chaotic that it was like…

Survivor: Winners at War 40×08 Review: “This is Where the Battle Begins” brings a player back from the Edge of Extinction

As a Survivor fan, the merge episode is one of many surprises. Once the players have joined together, anyone could end up being the target. Survivor: Winners at War brought together all the castaways for the first time to begin…