Don’t let Simon’s death get you down, boy. People die all the time, just like that. Why, you could wake up dead tomorrow! Well, good night.

“ ‘The Simpsons’ money got bigger and bigger. When I left ‘The Simpsons’, no one thought this thing was going to still be around. It’s the cumulative effect. It’s like, ‘Oh my God, 25 years later, and it’s still coming…

TV Review: Broad City (2×07) “Citizen Ship”

It was another odd one this week with first and last scenes that are so exaggerated that it makes the normalcy of the characters all the more obvious. Abbi, Illana, Jamie, Bevers and, to a lesser extent (as he makes…

Goodbye Parks and Recreation: I’ll Miss You Leslie Knope

Here’s my brief goodbye for a show that deserves a thousand more words: There isn’t a lot of optimism on television, particularly “prestige” television. There are a lot of muted emotions and angry outbursts. We have our antiheroes, our villains…

TV Review: Broad City (2×06) “The Matrix”

I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say that I particularly enjoyed this week’s episode of Broad City “The Matrix” but you’ve got to admire a show that is fearless in its dedication to pure lunacy. The…

TV Review: The Flash (1×14) “Fallout”

March 17th? Excuse me while I try to hold myself together for a moment. Listen, it’s silly to be addicted to a television show but there’s a level of escapism that The Flash has provided me as of late that…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×16) “The Wednesday Incident”

This was a filler episode- but a wonderful one because of one character: Captain Raymond Holt. It’s been said many times before (myself included) but Andre Braugher brings a hell of a lot to this show and not a moment…

TV Review: Shameless (5×06) “Crazy Love”

What an episode. This is the epitome of Shameless on it’s A game, and when the show brings it they really know how to knock it out of the part. Written by show creator John Wells, “Crazy Love”, it is…