The Flash Review 3×18 “Abra Kadabra”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. After the delightful musical episode “Duet” I had some fear that this weeks episode would falter in storyline momentum. While “Abra Kadabra” fails to live…

The Flash Review 3×17 “Duet”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. The power of love is, on the whole, a pretty dumb concept to base an episode on. However. There are two types of viewers in…

The Flash Review 3×16 “Into The Speed Force”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. So what the hell was that all about and why were we supposed to be rooting for Barry by the end of it? “Into The…

The Flash Review 3×15 “The Wrath of Savitar”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here. One will betray you.  But who? Apologies again. Such was the case with my Supergirl coverage, life caused me to fall completely behind in my television viewing.…

Will They or Won’t They? 20 TV couples that keep us on the edge of our seats

Will they? Or won’t they? That is the question posed for a number of couples on TV shows past and present. Whether they were stuck in a love triangle or born as mortal enemies, many couples kept us questioning whether…

TV Review: The Flash 3×12 “Untouchable”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  Despite the fact that quite a bit happened in terms of character development in this weeks episode, more than anything it felt as if The Flash was…

TV Review: The Flash 3×11 “Dead or Alive”

Welcome back to my weekly recaps of The Flash. To read previous coverage, go here.  Despite the episode trying to do too much over the course of the episode and only just managing to tell a complete story with one…