Lights, Camera…90s Action!: The Top 20 Best Action Movies of the 1990s

Has there ever been a decade as good as the 90’s for action films? It was an era that produced many classics that had pure escapist fun, ludicrous yet entertaining premises, and a whole lot more! Today, June 6th, is…

This Month in Film: August New Releases

We’re at the end of the summer blockbuster season! August is an interesting month for movies because we get an interesting mix of genres. There are the big action movies, some family movies, comedies, notable indies, etc. It’s safe to…

SDCC ’12: Resident Evil, Looper, Total Recall and Elysium

Lenghty post ahead! I will be telling you guys about several San Diego Comic-Con 2012 panels including RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION, LOOPER, TOTAL RECALL and ELYSIUM! Let’s get started with RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION! The franchise that has the gift that keeps on…