Mrs. S and Sarah need to go undercover more often. I didn’t realize how much we’ve been lacking any bonding time between them on Orphan Black for a while now. “Let the Children and Childbearers Toil” forced these two amazing characters together again to dive deeper into Neolution history. We got a lot of Neolution exposition, but we were gifted with quality scenes between this mother and daughter. Sarah throwing the drink in Mrs. S’s face was everything!
The truth about the monster in the woods was revealed, and I’m not surprised. I called it the last few weeks that the man in the forest was going to be a previous experiment by Neolution and P.T. Westmoreland. His reveal fits with the overall theme – they were always talking about the next stage of evolution and how to get there. However, I didn’t expect that this experiment was a precursor to the LEDA clones. I feel so bad for the poor kid they tested on that became this monster. Susan, Virginia, and P.T. are the real monsters.
Speaking of Virginia, I love that the Orphan Black writers brought back this villain. She was terrifying in Orphan Black season 3 and caused a lot of trouble with the Castor clones. I was unsure if we would see her again, especially since she wasn’t in Orphan Black season 4. However, the tie-in to the Neolution past was worth it. I bet there is more to the story than what she told Sarah and Mrs. S. Virginia seems like the type of person to keep a lot of information secret until it benefits her; she must be waiting until she returns to P.T. and Susan. And now that she stole the key card, I fully expect her to escape and join the others.
We got a quick reunion between Sarah and Helena at the convent. I loved this scene! These two have a sordid history, but they’ve found common ground as Sestras. Tatiana Maslany did an incredible job with exuding the emotions for both of the characters together. There is something tragic in the underlining tone of this scene; it could be foreshadowing a devastating moment that will happen to them later on down the season.

Susan being alive isn’t shocking. In fact, Orphan Black basically spoiled this reveal during their 60-second season teaser. It’s a shame because that revelation could’ve been a shocking moment for the start of the episode. On the other hand, I still did love her interactions with Ira and P.T. There is something weird in the air going on between P.T. and Susan. Could they be related? There has to be a reason why he kept her alive after Rachel stabbed her. P.T. either needs something from her or he cares for her.
Does anyone else feel sad for Mud? I get that the fandom is a bit critical of her, but I like the character. She’s quirky, off-beat and serves as Cosima’s only real contact on the island besides Charlotte. Whatever she’s doing with P.T. and the blood transfusions must be why he’s been able to live this long. Similar to Virginia, Mud knows a lot more than she’s able to tell. However, I hope that she confides in Cosima and joins Clone Club. She has all the makings of a casualty and I wouldn’t want the monster in the woods, or P.T. Westmoreland, to kill her before/after she’s helped Cosima.
I’m glad that Mrs. S told Adele about the clones. Adele was one of my favorite characters from Orphan Black season 4 and I hated that Felix kept her in the dark for the entire season. Now she’s part of Clone Club and helping with the mission; though, I was a bit confused at first what she and Felix would need to do to trace the money. It’s sad to lose Felix for awhile, but hopefully the break with him gone isn’t too long. We’ve lost Alison (and potentially by extension, Donnie) – I don’t want to lose any more people.
Kira is becoming a bit of a brat. I don’t like this new attitude from her, but she did go through hell for the past two years, so it’s not surprising she’s rebelling. The self-mutilation, on the other hand, needs to be stopped. She started cutting herself to test out her healing abilities…why wasn’t her family more scared?! This is a major warning sign, even if she said it’s for scientific reasons. Kira is clearly depressed and in need of a friend/therapist. If someone doesn’t do something soon, Rachel is going to swoop in and manipulate her. And we’re already halfway through the season – these people need to pay attention!