It’s beginning to get tiring watching Gunnar play the helpless love-struck musician. “Beneath Still Waters” solidifies that the writers cannot come up with a better storyline for the once confident singer.
Since adding Alannah to their “all boy band,” it was only time before Gunnar slept with her. We’ve seen this pattern many seasons prior with Scarlett, a girl on Avery’s tour, his high school sweetheart, and others from previous music labels. You’d figure after his last go-at-it with Scarlett he would take some time to reflect upon himself but instead, he jumped right back in bed the moment he could.
It’s sad to watch a character with so much depth to him be so superficial. He’s dealt with his brother’s death, the loss of Scarlett’s baby, depression, and more. I thought after he went home a few seasons ago and the viewers were able to see a blast from Gunnar’s past, the writers would move on from the mopeyness. But alas, we haven’t.
As the final season comes to a close it would be nice to not see Gunnar mess something good up just because he doesn’t know what he wants. Granted, the boy band was a spur of the moment decision for the three men who have no clue what they want to do with life, but that was just it. None of them knew what they wanted to do except that they wanted to do it together. Then they had to go and add a girl to the mix, one they all knew Gunnar would “fall in love” with the minute he got a chance.

Sadly, it seems as though she might use him as some have in the past. Unfortunately, it was Scarlett who was the only one who looked out for him but she no longer can. Instead, Scarlett is doing what Gunnar needs to do and find a purpose for herself.
She’s found a replacement Gunnar while she works on a therapeutic horse farm. While it would be nice to see Scarlett join the gang every once in awhile or even have her perform once more, her storyline has been refreshing. She is really coming into her own as an independent woman and genuinely thrives off of helping others.
While Scarlett sometimes oversteps her boundaries a little too much, the writers are at least giving her character room to grow. They’re allowing her to make mistakes but learn from her actions. It seems that it doesn’t matter how much Gunnar screws up, he won’t learn.
The coming episodes show a rift within the band. If the boys do decide to go on with their respective careers maybe this will finally teach Gunnar to be independent. He needs time to be just Gunnar, without Scarlett, without the boys, and definitely, without a random hookup he met in a bar. This final season has been about finding Nashville’s voice again and sadly when it comes to Gunnar, it seems like we’re in a riptide we’ll never get out of.