TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 7×11, “Hostiles And Calamities”

There’s a bit of an ease back on the gas pedal for this week’s The…

TV Review: Riverdale 1×05 “Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness”

Riverdale is getting into the ties that bind all of the characters and their families together,…

TV Review: Supernatural 12×13 “Family Feud”

The title of Supernatural’s 12×13 episode is a bit of a misdirect. It was assumed…

TV Review: The Royals (3×10) “To Show My Duty in Your Coronation”

THE SITUATION: This week on The Royals, it’s finally time for Prince Robert’s coronation. Spoiler…

TV Review: The Fosters (4×14) “Doors and Windows”

Callie’s case, Jesus’ recovery, and Mariana’s therapy all get addressed in this episode of The…

TV Review: Fresh Off the Boat (3×14) “The Gloves Are Off”

“What is the appeal of Marvin?” This is the question posed by Jessica, which she…

TV Review: Bates Motel (5×01) “Dark Paradise”

The season 5 première of Bates Motel was all the bloody mess we’ve come to…