TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 7×07, “Sing Me A Song”

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is not an intimidating presence. That’s the main takeaway I had while…

TV Review: Supernatural 12×07 “Rock Never Dies”

Just as Rick Springfield sells me on his take of Lucifer, his vessel crumbles to…

TV Review: The Vampire Diaries 8×06 “Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell”

Alaric is on a warpath in this week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries “Detoured On Some…

TV Review: Frequency 1×08 “Interference”

Frequency is still relentlessly pushing this Nightingale case eight episodes in, despite there being much…

TV Review: Shooter 01×03 “Musa Qala”

Episode 3 of Swagger on the run. The tables turned at the conclusion of the…

TV Review: Legends of Tomorrow 2×08 “Invasion”

This is the finale of 2016’s big DC superhero crossover event in DC’s Legends of…

TV Review: Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 4×07 “Deals With Our Devils”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap coverage of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD! To…