10 Musicians Who Really Need Biopics

The past few years have given us some incredible behind-the-scenes looks into the lives of…

August Binge Watch: The Top 10 Shows You Should Be Watching

I know, I know, it’s only the end of July and I should probably wait to make this post, but before you know it, September will have crept up on us and slipped through the crack in the door and scared us into a blood curdling scream.

Well, sort of. So as it approaches quickly (Yes, September is only six weeks away), I figured it’s never too soon to break out the box set of “I never want to leave this bed, wait school starts in like a week, but I only have one season left???” shows to dive into before the alarm is blaring and you’re crying into some coffee.

2015 Midyear Review: Best in Movies (So Far)

Can you believe half of the year has already gone by and we still have…

Comic-Con 2015 Preview: 16 Panel Presentations We’re Excited For

The Young Folks make their grand return to San Diego Comic-Con this week, and to…

2015 Midyear Review: Best in Books

The first six months of 2015 have gone by, and there are already so many…