Why is M. Night Shyamalan Getting so Many Directing Shots While Women are Only Getting One?

Even if you haven’t seen an  M. Night Shyamalan movie, you know what an  M.…

Arrow: How Laurel’s Mistreatment Disrespected Her Black Canary Legacy

TV shows adapted from comic books are never exactly the same as their counterparts. Still,…

The Young Folks Tribute to John Hurt

Our hearts are saddened by the loss of another great actor. John Hurt had an…

Grief and the Guiding Light: How Playground navigates loss

Grief is uncontainable. It thrives in spirals free of end-of-the-night Tupperware container promises; it ebbs…

The Flash: How Iris’ Potential Future Impacts Death and Time

The Flash’s winter finale, “The Present,” left a lot of fans reeling. Besides Savitar revealing…

What’s Next for Girl Meets World?

If you haven’t heard the news yet, Disney Channel’s Girl Meets World was not picked up for…

Sherlock and the Trouble of Source Material

Well, Sherlock series four has officially started with a tension-filled premiere. The episode promised to…