8 TV-inspired Halloween costumes to wear this spooky season

Halloween is one of the best holidays to express your pop culture interests in a creative and fun way. With the advent of peak TV, there are so many television characters to choose from this year. You can attend a…

‘Stargirl’ 3×08 review: “Frenemies – Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc. Part Two” explores The Shade’s regrets in the Shadowlands

The world is looking brighter for Jennie on the latest episode of DC’s Stargirl. “Frenemies – Chapter Eight: Infinity Inc. Part Two” finished the two-parter on a high note for Green Lantern’s daughter. And subsequently, his son Todd too! Jennie’s…

“The Car” review: The most refined album Arctic Monkeys have ever released.

It’s been 17 years since Alex Turner told the world “don’t believe the hype” on his band’s breakout single. Cocky as it was, dismissing the traps of the indie rock boom of the early 2000s, it’s actually harder to heed…

Album Review: Maajo – ‘Water of Life’

Afro-Finnish band Maajo releases their third album, Water of Life, featuring two previously released tracks, “Better Days” and “Uelmissani,” via Wonderwheel Recordings. Maajo has evolved from a sample-based electronic musical project to a full-sized band, including African vocalists and musicians.…

‘Pantheon’ series premiere review: The future is bright in the animated science fiction drama

Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s best efforts, the metaverse has a long way to go before it becomes a reality. The only newsworthy thing the social media founder achieved with his costly virtual reality platform is applying functional legs onto stiff digital…

‘The D’Amelio Show’ 2×05-06 review: Despite the interpersonal drama, the show still lacks depth

Last week on The D’Amelio Show, we saw Dixie dive into her breakup with Noah and the D’Amelio sisters moving in together. This week we’re hit with some bigger emotional rollercoasters. The D’Amelio Show takes a trip to Connecticut, which…

‘Chainsaw Man’ effectively finishes setting up in it’s second episode, “Arrival in Tokyo”

After a bloody introduction last week, the second episode of Chainsaw Man hits the ground running with set up for the rest of the season. “Arrival in Tokyo” picks up moments after episode one by giving Denji (Kikunosuke Toya, Ryan…