Abby Petree

YA Book Reviewer/Writer

95 Articles0 Comments

Abby Petree has been writing for the Young Folks’ Books section for the past two years, but she’s been overanalyzing everything she reads and watches since day one. Seriously, don’t even bring up Beauty and the Beast. Outside of this website, she teaches 6th grade English in Northern California and works as a freelance writer and social media manager on the side.

‘Two Truths and a Lie’ review: April Henry’s latest thriller is fun, but forgettable

Two Truths and a Lie, the newest thriller by April Henry, will take you on a quick romp full of fun twists, but offers only flat, boring characters.  Creepy motels & creepier games Nell and her theater troupe are off…

‘Cookies & Milk’ review: Shawn Amos’s debut is a heartwarming story about fathers and sons

Shawn Amos’s debut middle grade novel, Cookies & Milk, feels as warm and cozy as a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. Seriously, it will give you cravings—thankfully, there is a recipe in the back! The worst summer EVER It’s the…

‘Some Mistakes Were Made’ review: Debut author Kristin Dwyer is guaranteed to make you cry

Debut author Kristin Dwyer describes her new novel, Some Mistakes Were Made, as a kissing book. But wrapped up in the outer layers of a kissing book is the powerful story of trying to break generational cycles of poverty and…

25 Years of Ella Enchanted: One Retelling to Rule Them All

Fairytale retellings dominate the YA space. At this point, we’ve seen about every spin imaginable. Cinderella… but in space! Cinderella… set in high school! Cinderella… but make it gay! Cinderella… but from the stepsister’s point of view! Don’t get me…

‘With and Without You’ review: Something’s missing in Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka’s long distance romance

Rom-com gods Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka return to bless us with their newest novel, With and Without You. This sweet, bright long distance romance is a perfect spring read, although I must confess it left me wanting.  A bold…

‘A Forgery of Roses’ review: Jessica S. Olsen builds a new world

Sisterly love outshines romance in Jessica S. Olsen’s sophomore novel, A Forgery of Roses. After being blown away by her first book, Sing Me Forgotten (it was my favorite debut of 2021), I couldn’t wait to check this out.  Another…

‘Being Mary Bennet’ review: J. C Peterson’s debut gives a fresh twist on the Bennet family

Being Mary Bennet, the debut novel from J. C. Peterson, is a love letter to every nerdy girl who wishes she was Lizzie Bennet, but secretly knows that she is Mary. Most of us are in this boat, and it…