Bri Lockhart
402 Articles0 Comments

Bri is a 25-year-old born and raised in the swamps of Jersey. Just kidding, she lives at least twenty minutes from those swamps. She’s a publishing professional that moonlights as a writer. She enjoys going to concerts (anything from Rooney to Springsteen to NKOTBSB), roadtripping, and complaining that she truly belongs in the 1950’s, the 1920′s, or the 1980′s depending on her mood. She definitely owns more books than she should and reads every chance she gets. If you stop hearing from her, it’s because the book piles have fallen over and smothered her to death in the night. You can contact her at Twitter: @bri_lockhart

TV Review: The Royals (3×08) “In the Same Figure, Like the King That’s Dead”

THE SITUATION: On this week’s episode of The Royals, everyone has updates to their love lives–some good, some not so good–and everyone has feelings about them. Naked Tiger Run Newcomer Rosie is nervous about her first day as Eleanor’s bodyguard,…

TV Review: The Royals (3×07) “The Counterfeit Presentment of Two Brothers”

  THE SITUATION: This week on The Royals, they hold a royal charity auction–and each member of the royal family is up on the auction block. Let’s see what happens. Helena Might Have a New Beau Helena and Spencer (the…

78 Thoughts I Had While Revisiting A Walk to Remember (2002)

Hello everyone, and welcome to another film anniversary! Today we’ll be talking about A Walk to Remember, volume two in Nicholas Sparks’s ever-growing White People Almost Kissing film collection. Okay, okay, they’re really nuzzling on this cover, but I’m not…

TV Review: Girl Meets World (3×21) “Girl Meets Goodbye”

  On the previous episode of Girl Meets World, Topanga announced that she had been named partner in her law firm’s London office, meaning that if she accepted the job, her entire family was moving. This week’s episode opens on…

Album Review: The Regrettes – “Feel Your Feelings Fool!”

The break ups of retro-rock groups like The Young Veins and The Like in 2011 left a niche hole in the music industry, one that hasn’t really been filled by anyone since. Enter The Regrettes, a four-piece retro/punk outfit comprised…

TV Review: The Royals (3×06) “More Than Kin and Less Than Kind”

THE SITUATION: Thanks to Liam, our favorite fictional royals are on their own for Christmas dinner. Hilarity and heartache ensue. Christmas Eve We open on Christmas Eve, with Eleanor writing a new love letter to Jasper. Since it’s almost Eleanor’s…

TV Review: Girl Meets World (3×20) “Girl Meets Sweet Sixteen”

Cory’s Class: Cory has the class talking about life’s historical markers in response to Riley’s desire to have her sweet sixteen a year early. “Are you good with letting life surprise you?” Cory asks. Has he met these children? Since…