Catherina Gioino
197 Articles0 Comments

Catherina has been writing since she was 14 years old- screenplays, movie reviews, sports stories and anything in between. Born and raised in New York City, she can probably be found stuck underground on a train or sitting in traffic on the bridge. But don't let her static commutes confuse you when the conversation suddenly evolves into a movie reference and quoting match. For news about the city and movies, as well as the occasional joke she thinks is funny, follow her on Twitter @catgioino.

The Inaccuracies of Lincoln

I first saw Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln a week after it came out in 2012, and then again this weekend, which had me wondering about the film’s inaccuracies. The film brilliantly describes the struggle of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War…

Cat’s Movie Review: Grudge Match

There are few movies when you have prominent actors of that genre collaborate together. It’s always fun to see Leslie Nielsen working together with Mel Brooks or seeing any Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez combination. So who would turn down the chance…

An Exclusive Conference from the Cast and Crew Behind Grudge Match

What if the one chance to prove yourself to the world idly stands by as you wither and age? What if your chance to get something you worked hard for your entire life just blew away with the mockery of others?…

Bad Grandpa: A New Kind of Filmmaking?

Obviously we have all heard of the Jackass movies where people with an extremely high pain threshold put their minds and bodies to the test in various dares and pranks. These movies have been put to the test in the…

Raw Herring at the Tribeca Film Festival

  A documentary from the Netherlands outlines the journey of fishermen as they continue to fish and live life in a long lost profession. The Hollandse Niewe, or commonly referred to as the Dutch New Herring, is a type of…

Manhattan Film Festival: Butterflies of Bill Baker Premiere

Debra Messing was in attendance Saturday night to celebrate the premiere of the film Butterflies of Bill Baker. Messing was joined by VH1 Gossip Table personality Delaina Dixon, and more, as well as the stars of the film, Will Chase, Sterling Jerins, Zuzanna…

Jameson First Shot

On June 19th, Kevin Spacey, Dana Brunetti and Willem Dafoe were in attendance at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn to celebrate the United States winner of the Jameson First Shot competition. USA winner Shirlyn Wong was in attendance for the…