Jon Espino
411 Articles3 Comments

Jon would say that as a writer, he is a self-proclaimed film snob and a pop culture junkie. Always gives his honest, critical, and maybe a little bit snarky opinion on everything. He's very detail oriented and loves anything involving creativity and innovation. You're better off asking him who his favorite director is rather than his favorite film. So beware and get ready to be entertained. You can contact him at or follow him on twitter @DystopianHero. (Also, he doesn't always refer to himself in the third person, but sometimes he just has to).

Jon’s Movie Review: Elysium

I may have reached my robotics quota for the year. My inner sci-fi nerd can usually never get enough, but after seeing Pacific Rim, The World’s End, and Grown Ups 2 I think I may be reaching my limit. What? Grown Ups 2 wasn’t a…

Jon’s Movie Review: Pacific Rim

As a child, it’s been more than once that I’ve woken up in a hot sweat after having just had an erratic, anime-fueled super dream. This is a common preteen boy problem only exasperated by Power Rangers, puberty, and Michael…

Jon’s Movie Review: The Lone Ranger

Not many things make me think of the enormity of the world or make me question my own mortality like being stuck in the vastness of a desert terrain. In Mexico, I’ve had to walk across these great, barren plains,…

Jon’s Movie Review: The Heat

Good cop, bad cop, corrupt cop, crazy cop, psychic cop, we’ve seen it all. Countless combinations you can have, and as long as you have a good script, it can turn out to be something new and amazing. The Heat…

Jon’s Movie Review: White House Down

It’s been a bad year for the President of the United States. He’s died or been under attack in every way from Olympus Has Fallen to World War Z. We’ve dealt with attacks both foreign and alien, but no one…

Jon’s Movie Review: World War Z

Since pre-production, World War Z has been the center of controversy whether it’s because it completely diverges from the original source material or because of the amount of times it’s been rewritten. In either case this has only helped to create…

Why ‘Man Of Steel’ Failed To Soar

As a kid, like every other kid, I grew up wanting to have super powers. This was before I even had any notions of using powers for good or evil, but to be honest I was always leaned more towards…