Ivanna Barrera
121 Articles1 Comments

Born and raised in Miami. Graduated from FIU in journalism. Lover of all things music with a wide taste ranging from Drake to the Bee Gees. Ivanna must admit that she is a TV show junkie thanks to her DVR. She also loves staying up to date with all her friends through social media. Traveling is one of her favorite things to do. One of her goals is to travel cross-country through Chile before she’s 30. Keep up with her through Twitter: @ivannasimply

TV Review: Reign 1×18, “No Exit”

The Queen inside of Mary has taken over. Yet, I can’t help but think that she’s forgotten her role as a wife altogether. Sure, Mary was about to marry her husband’s step brother in order to save his life but…

TV Review: The 100 1×05 “Twilight’s Last Gleaming”

I thought this episode was dragging on and began way too slow. But as it finished, this episode provided some beautiful moments. Maybe I’m emotional, but this episode made me cry. It showcased such human valor and bravery that I…

TV Review: Reign 1×17 “Liege Lord”

Alas! Finally, Mary Queen of Scots has risen! Throughout this whole season we have seen Mary as a kind and compassionate Queen. Sure, we previewed a sense of the love she has for her country when she was willing to…

Coachella 2014: Performances You Need to Watch

It’s that time of the year again. You know, when you sit at home scrolling through your Instagram newsfeed seeing celebrities taking selfies at Coachella. Yet again you tell yourself, “I will save up and I will be there next…

Afrobeta: A Must See Performer at SunFest

With Sunfest less than a month away TYF wanted to shed light on one of the artists that will be performing this year. If you’re not from South Florida let me first introduce you to what Sunfest is all about!…

Top 10: Great 90’s TV Shows

The 90’s always bring fond memories. They were different, yet great times. Sure, there was no such thing as DSL or Wi-Fi, but TV was thriving back then. There was no DVR, but we could record our favorite TV shows…

Must Watch: Ed Sheeran covers “Drunk in Love” by Beyoncé!

Ed Sheeran is just too darn likable. Even if you don’t like his music you can agree that he seems like a pretty cool guy to hang out with. Taylor Swift can probably vouch for that. His likability factor rose…