Nathanael Hood
318 Articles0 Comments

Nathanael Hood is a 27 year old film critic currently based out of Manhattan with a passion for all things cinematic. He graduated from New York University - Tisch with a degree in Film Studies. He is currently a writer for,,, and

Movie Review – ‘Tangerine’

The moment I stopped liking Sean S. Baker’s Tangerine (2015) and started loving it came about two-thirds of the way through. Fresh-out-of-prison transgender prostitute Sin-Dee Rella (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) crams herself into a club bathroom with Dinah (Mickey O’Hagan), another…

Movie Review – ‘Rock in the Red Zone’

The first thing you need to know about Laura Bialis’ Rock in the Red Zone: it isn’t really about the music scene in Sderot, Israel—a town less than a mile from the Gaza Strip baring the twin monikers of the…

Movie Review – ‘Criminal Activities’

Why do we allow John Travolta to play anything other than villains anymore? Even when he’s in terrible movies he’s either electrifying (Dominic Sena’s Swordfish [2001]) or unintentionally hilarious (Roger Christian’s Battlefield Earth [2000]). Perhaps it’s his odd manner of…

Movie Review – ‘Censored Voices’

Ten days after the conclusion of the Six-Day War wherein Israel stunned the world by simultaneously defeating the combined military strength of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, writer Amos Oz and editor Avraham Shapira gathered together newly forged veterans of the…

Interview with Eli Morgan Gesner

Following the release of his wildly entertaining and twisted film CONDEMNED, we say down with director Eli Morgan Gesner to chat about his film, his influences, and general nastiness. Our review for CONDEMNED can be found HERE. Nathanael Hood: Mr.…

Movie Review – ‘Condemned’

If you’re going to be sick, twisted, and depraved, at least try to be original and creative. Director Eli Morgan Gesner must have taken this to heart while making his feature film debut Condemned. Unapologetically gruesome and refreshingly twisted, Condemned…

Movie Review – ‘Flutter’

Stan stands alone at the back of the greyhound track, her eyes bright and shiny, her lips red and pouty. She croons and cranes her head from side-to-side like a cross between a jazz flapper and femme fatale; half Betty…