Lauren Wengrovitz
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Lauren is a twenty-something currently living in Northern Virginia. She loves to read YA books and watch movie adaptations. Lauren is passionate about many things, but reading has always been a huge part of her life. Ever since she first learned to read, her parents have always had to pry books out of her hands when it’s time for other commitments. Lauren is always eager to try a new book, author, or series. She also loves music, Harry Potter, and the Washington Capitals. Follow her on Twitter: @LWengrovitz.

Blog Tour: ‘Burning Midnight’ by Will McIntosh

For fans of The Maze Runner and The Fifth Wave, this debut YA novel from Hugo Award winner Will McIntosh pits four underprivileged teens against an evil billionaire in the race of a lifetime. Sully is a sphere dealer at a flea market. It…

Blog Tour: ‘Reign of Shadows’ by Sophie Jordan

Seventeen years ago, an eclipse cloaked the kingdom of Relhok in perpetual darkness. In the chaos, an evil chancellor murdered the king and queen and seized their throne. Luna, Relhok’s lost princess, has been hiding in a tower ever since.…

Behind the Scenes of ‘The Choice’

Nicholas Sparks fans get ready: we are so excited to get to share an exclusive Behind-The-Scenes video from the upcoming movie The Choice. The Choice stars Teresa Palmer and Benjamin Walker as Gabby and Travis, who prove in this clip…

Review: “Shade Me” by Jennifer Brown

Shade Me is the story of Nikki Kill, a high school student who happens to have synesthesia, a sensory condition that associates colors with things like numbers or sounds. When Nikki gets a phone call asking for help, she’s drawn…

Blog Tour: The Love That Split The World

I’m so excited to be part of the blog tour for Emily Henry’s debut novel, The Love That Split The World. It’s been described as Friday Night Lights meets The Time Traveler’s Wife and I can assure you that, if…

Book Review: Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

I’ve been looking forward to Passenger ever since I read the synopsis last spring. The mix of music and time travel sounded like a fun combination and I’m so excited that release day is finally here. Synopsis from Goodreads: In…

Book Review: Thicker Than Water by Kelly Fiore Stultz

Thicker Than Water tells the story of Cecelia Price, a seventeen-year-old girl about to go on trial for killing her brother. It’s the tale of how a smart girl came to make some very bad decisions, the dominoes that led…