This Month In Books: January New Releases

This Month In Books is a new feature in which The Young Folks will list…

Book Review: ‘Sisters of Glass’ by Stephanie Hemphill

Sisters of Glass follows the story of the very likable Maria and her older sister…

Film News: Fox acquires the film rights to YA novel ‘Shatter Me’

Studios have been buying optioning young adult novels left and right as of late. It’s…

Film News: ‘Bridesmaids’ and ’50/50′ Among Writers Guild of America Award Nominees

  Hollywood trade groups such as the writers, actors and directors guilds help sort out…

Book Review: ‘Wanderlove’ by Kirsten Hubbard

I’m not sure what propelled me to start reading Wanderlove the other day, but whatever…

Film Review: ‘Man on a Ledge,’ starring Sam Worthington & Elizabeth Banks

Tis the season of January releases, a time when a crop of some of the…

Film News: Art Directors Guild Nominees include ‘Potter’ and ‘Tinker Tailor’

Another award with more nominees! This time it is the Art Directors Guild who have announced…