The Reputation Reclamation: Books with a good reputation

Growing up in a small town, it was hard, if not altogether impossible, to escape having some sort of reputation. (And really, having no reputation was probably just as undesirable as having a bad one.) I could name every person in my graduating class, all 200-something of us.

TV Review: Younger 1×10 “The Boy with the Dragon Tattoo”

The Scarf has become a huge hit garnering tons of attention from suburban housewives clamoring…

Out of the Past: “Blood Simple” (1984)

Blood Simple is about murder and miscalculations. The Cohen Brother’s 1984 film debut is an…

Music News: The Wombats Release “Be Your Shadow” Video

After wrapping the North American leg of their most recent tour, The Wombats released the…

The Film Canon: The Cheat (1915)

“In Paris this week, a movie theatre has become an art school. A film…[is] showing…

TV Review: Girl Meets World Kicks Off Season 2 (2×01-2×05)

Girl Meets World returned last week with ever TV reviewer’s nightmare fan’s dream: a week’s…

Book Review: ‘Lion Heart’ by A. C. Gaughen

2012 was the year my (book) world ended because I discovered all things scarlet ― the book…