Ally’s Movie Review: St. Vincent

I’m having a difficult time coming up with anything interesting to say about Theodore Melfi’s…

TV Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2×4, “Face My Enemy”

Earth_199999//Recap 0204//October_14_2014 A painting, some awkward dancing, and a Face/Off spin-off? This week’s episode of…

Book Tour: ‘Remake’ by Ilima Todd

Book Details: Book Title: Remake by Ilima Todd Category: YA Fiction, 304 pages Genre: YA…

Amy Dunne’s One Mistake

[Warning: This article discusses spoilers!!] David Fincher’s brilliant Gone Girl is a sinister pas de…

TV Review: Gracepoint (1×03) – “Episode Three”

I cannot express just how ridiculous I find the whole medium plotline. It annoys me…

Movie News: First Trailer Debuts for Ron Howard’s ‘In the Heart of the Sea’

Ron Howard and Chris Hemsworth have teamed up again after their turn in 2013’s underrated Rush,…

Movie News: New ‘Unbroken’ Trailer Debuts

Jack O’Connell is poised to become the true, blue breakout of 2014, and deservedly so. Starred Up was…