It seems like everything at Comic-Con was revolving around Lucasfilm’s presentation in Hall H. After waiting a combined sixteen hours in line to get into Hall H this past Friday, the excitement was buzzing on what Kathleen Kennedy, J. J. Abrams, and Lawrence Kasdan would reveal about the new film in the Star Wars saga.
It was previously reported that there would not be a new trailer debuting the panel, and that ended being true. J. J. Abrams explained that they were planning to release a new trailer in the fall, but for Comic-Con, they showed us a length-y behind-the-scenes look at the Force Awakens set. You can watch it right now:
Throughout the panel, they introduced the cast on stage. First, starting out with John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac, who are the stars of the new trilogy. We next met the Dark Side: Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux, and Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma. It was great seeing the new cast on stage, and they seemed just as excited and overwhelmed as the fans. It wasn’t until the original trio, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and of course, Harrison Ford, walked on stage that the energy of the room multiplied. We all got madly excited. Watch the entire Star Wars panel below:

As if that wasn’t all enough, everyone in Hall H (yes, all 7,000 fans) were invited to a Star Wars concert right at the end of the panel. In a mass exodus, Stormtroopers were led outside and down the harbor toward the concert stage, where free lightsabers and an orchestra awaited fans. On the way there, some cast members drove by, and yours truly got to high-five Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley on the walk there.

Once again, the cast came on stage to thank us, and a video from famous composer John Williams introducing the San Diego Symphony Orchestra was presented. The hour event played some of my favorite pieces of music from the Star Wars films. The concert ended with another final surprise: a fireworks show. It was a tremendous event for new and old fans of the Star Wars saga. Lucasfilm’s efforts at Comic-Con and the Star Wars celebration earlier this year shows off their confidence in the new trilogy and anthology of films they have planned. It’s an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan. The hype is real.

Comic-Con International 2015 took place from Wednesday, July 8 through Sunday, July 12 at the San Diego Convention Center.