First Look at Sundance Hit “The End of the Tour”

The first official trailer and poster for the Sundance hit, “The End of the Tour”…

Out of the Past: “Blood Simple” (1984)

Blood Simple is about murder and miscalculations. The Cohen Brother’s 1984 film debut is an…

The Film Canon: The Cheat (1915)

“In Paris this week, a movie theatre has become an art school. A film…[is] showing…

Reese Witherspoon To Star As Tinker Bell in Upcoming Live-Action Film ‘Tink’

First reported by The Hollywood Reporter, it has been confirmed that Reese Witherspoon will produce…

2015 Soho International Film Festival

The Soho International Film Festival, now in its sixth year of existence, took place from…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Poltergeist” Is Haunted By Its Past

There are things we fear as children that we outgrow as we get older. There’s…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Tomorrowland” Feels Like Yesterdayland

For almost a century, films have been a form of escapism, allowing you to get…