The Film Canon: While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Before she was an Oscar winner and Miss Congeniality, Sandra Bullock was in the charming…

Jon’s Movie Review: You’ll Fight Back Yawns In “Seventh Son”

Seventh Son is a losing battle against the forces of darkness. Those dark forces are the dimly thought through story, the bland production value, and the complete mistreatment of the cast. In this case, your attempt at escapism through this film becomes your trap. The only fantasy you’ll be having is the one hoping for the film to end.

The Film Canon: Legally Blonde (2001)

“You got into Harvard Law School?”  “What? Like it’s hard?” Reese Witherspoon’s breakout role was…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Jupiter Ascending” Falls Apart The Higher It Soars

The Wachowskis present to us another sci-fi story that is meant to thrill and amaze.…

Argentina’s ‘Wild Tales’ Arrives to the US

  Controlling your temper. It’s something that is easy to say, but it’s sometimes hard…

‘Ida’ Review: A Work of Art

Every year, there are your highly anticipated superhero and action blockbusters, your Oscar films, the…

Movie News: First Trailer Released for Magic Mike Sequel “Magic Mike XXL”

What do you get when you combine Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, no shirts, and stripping?…