Film review: No Strings Attached

Gaby says: It’s January, so the required ditzy romantic comedy must be released this month.…

TMI casting news: Alex Pettyfer as Jace? & We see what you’re trying to do there, Screen Gems!

UPDATE from Cassie Clare: “I know Alex has met with the director, Scott Stewart, several…

The Green Hornet

The new year starts with a superhero film. Yet, “The Green Hornet” doesn’t seem like…

The King’s Speech

It is awards season. So of course, a tailor-made British drama is mixed into the…

Exit through the Gift Shop: A Banksy Film

Have you ever heard of Banksy? If not, get outta here! Don’t worry, I’m just…


Disney brings back fairytales with its new production, Tangled, which is about the story of…

I Love You, Phillip Morris

“I Love You, Phillip Morris” has been waiting for theatrical release for awhile. It was…