TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×03, “The Possibilities”

Three episodes in and Preacher is now in the position of showing us what episodes will be like week-to-week. “The Possibilities” lacks some of the strengths from the first two episodes, which went gonzo with showing off all the potential…

Pushing Daisies: Finding Beauty in Death

Before showrunner Bryan Fuller cast his eye towards the majestically macabre in NBC’s Hannibal, he dabbled in somewhat lighter fare. Clearly holding intrigue for death and the stories surrounding it as demonstrated with his first series Dead Like Me, its…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×02, “See”

Hopefully everyone got some time to rest, with a week off from Preacher, following the wildly different pilot episode. Now we are back with “See”, which may actually be an even better episode. It is a bit more coherent, even…

TV Review: Outlander 2×9 – “Je Suis Prest”

Welcome back to our TV coverage of Outlander book two. Read our past reviews and recaps here. For a show so rooted in its Scottish setting, it was easy to lose yourself in a new locale like Paris. Therefore, I was…

Interview: Stephen Amell Talks ‘TMNT: Out of the Shadows’

The turtles are back in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows for an all new adventure. This time around Stephen Amell joins the cast as Casey Jones. We sat down with him for a roundtable interview where he gave us…

TV Review: ‘Bloodline’ Season 2

If there’s one thing that made the first season of Bloodline watchable it was the mystery John Rayburn (Kyle Chandler) narrates to us about what the three younger Rayburn siblings did to Danny (Ben Mendelsohn), the fourth sibling and black…

5 Romantic Cinematic Sobfests

Friday the adaption of Jojo Moyes best-selling romance, Me Before You, comes to the big screen and theaters showing the movie would be smart to have tissues at the ready and buy flood insurance. Not only will that film starring…