Podcast News: DC Debrief Episode Two

DC fans, unite! You may have noticed over the past two weeks if you’ve been reading my coverage of The Flash or Evan’s coverage of Arrow, that the two of us have come together for a weekly podcast covering the two DC shows currently…

TV Review: Arrow 4×02 “The Candidate”

This week’s story for Arrow opens with our little group of heroes fighting off the HIVE Ghosts atop storage containers, and the choreography is pretty consistently punchy. Also, there’s the one moment with Black Canary riding a Zip-line arrow that…

TV Review: Arrow 4×01 “Green Arrow”

Season 4 of Arrow has premiered, and it wastes no time getting Oliver and Felicity back into Star City, and even less time showing that our new villain will be one to force The Arrow and Company to think about…

Fall 2015 Television Preview: What to Watch

Oh, fall. I love you and I hate you. On the one hand, there’s the irritability factor of listening to people ramble on about pumpkin flavored anything which I can’t fathom tastes any good, the feeling of absolute dread when…

Saturday Morning Cartoons: Justice League

Welcome back to our feature “Saturday Morning Cartoons,” where our writers talk about their favorite animated shows, be it one from their youth or one that they’ve recently begun watching. In case you’ve been living underground this past week, the…

Comic-Con 2015 Preview: 16 Panel Presentations We’re Excited For

The Young Folks make their grand return to San Diego Comic-Con this week, and to say we’re excited is a massive understatement. Comic-Con encompasses almost everything we love about entertainment, and we’re looking forward to bringing our experience to you.…

TV Review: The Carrie Diaries 1×02 – “Lie with Me”

The second episode of The Carrie Diaries, “Lie with Me,” is better than the first. The first episode filled me with intrigue, but it didn’t satisfy me. This episode was filled with a little more substance than the last. I’m glad…