TV Recap: Awkward. 3×06-“That Girl Strikes Again”

Previously: Matty stays with Jenna’s family, causing a few problems. The reminder shot of Matty telling Jenna that everything is fine leads me to believe that everything is not, in fact, fine. That might just be my crazy good detective…

Read of the Week: Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

When Mallory’s boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in1962, Mallory swears off technology and…

Films More People Should See – Part One

10. The Fall (2006) This film is one of the most criminally underrated movies. It’s a showcase of what a cinematic masterpiece looks like in terms of visuals, acting, musical score, and storytelling. With this film all of the pieces…

Music Reviews: September’s New Albums

Newly Released Album Reviews: September This month has been awesome for new releases because I guess artists think that students spend their back-to-school money on new albums, or they just want to make everyone feel good for the new school…

Top 10 ‘Breaking Bad’ Episodes (So Far)

It’s widely agreed upon that Breaking Bad is one of the greatest shows on television today, a label that I have no problem defending. With the show premiering the first half of its final season on July 15th, I decided…

Book Review: ‘Love? Maybe’ by Heather Hepler

Last week was Valentine’s Day, a day that people either adore or scorn. For Love? Maybe’s main character, Piper, it’s the latter. Piper is not a fan of love, or at least the romantic kind. She’s watched her mom suffer…

Film review: “Real Steel” starring Hugh Jackman & Evangeline Lilly

By: Lucyinthesky Robots and boxing, ‘Real Steel’ seemed like the type of movie perfect for guys, but after seeing it I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it and by the end I felt like I was in the…