Directors of Cinema: Episode 1 – Edgar Wright

Hello and welcome to episode one of Directors of Cinema, a new podcast that highlights the careers of cinema’s most prominent directors. Each week, host Matthew Goudreau and a guest discuss selected works of a director chosen by the guest. On this…

‘Moon Knight’ review: The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand with its latest series starring Oscar Isaac

The release of Marvel’s Moon Knight on March 30 came with both a bang and a whimper, depending on whether Oscar Isaac’s lead character had the personality of the brutal Marc Spector or the shy Steven Grant. As the first…

Cinema’s Influence on Video Games

With the release of a real life Sonic the Hedgehog movie, I was presented with the task of coming up with the most cinematic video games for a Film and Gaming section cross post. When thinking about this topic, however,…

Best Decades in Horror: The 2010’s and the female film directors revolutionizing modern horror

If horror storytelling were an unassembled IKEA wardrobe, women would be the scrappy DIY-er who pieces it together. From Mary Shelley’s ground-shattering Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca to Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House…

5 Female Directors Better Than Mel Gibson for Suicide Squad 2

To make mistakes is only human. I’ve run a stop sign or two in my day, accidentally overdrew my bank account and have even overslept when I was supposed to be at work. People in Hollywood are not immune from…

‘Anomalisa’ Directors Charlie Kaufman & Duke Johnson Interview

Charlie Kaufman, the brain behind the cerebral cult classic films Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Being John Malkovich, once wrote a play, as he describes, to fill in for the Coen Brothers in 2005 with a limited cast…

70mm Cinema: Days of Future Past

Having now finally seen the 70mm roadshow cut of Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight, I can firmly say that it was one of the most transcendent moviegoing experiences I’ve ever had. The relish of seeing a modern-day film shot on a film…