Star Wars VII: John Williams’ Return, Kennedy Talks Script and Effects, Ryan Gosling Rumored

J.J. Abrams has always been know to be the kind of filmmaker that keeps details close to the vest, but now that he’s directing a film as unbelievably huge as ‘Star Wars Episode VII‘, there are millions of fans who need…

Joss Whedon Discusses His Vision For Star Wars Episode VII

By now, it is common knowledge that J.J. Abrams is multi-tasking between two star-titled and star-bound franchises with the rebooted Star Trek film series (Star Trek Into Darkness comes to IMAX on May 15th and conventional theaters on May 17th) and the first…

Star Wars VII: J.J. Abrams to Boldly Go to a Galaxy Far Far Away

As soon as the magical house of Disney purchased the entirety of LucasFilm back in November of 2012, they immediately announced that they were making a Star Wars: Episode VII, VIII and IX. As the press made the rounds following…

The Film Canon: Star Wars (1977)

It feels a little silly to include Star Wars in a compendium of films you must see, if only because it’s a given that everyone’s already seen it. When someone tells me they haven’t seen Star Wars, I briefly consider…

‘Strange New Worlds’ review: It’s only logical the series will succeed

The new Star Trek series shows great promise by embracing its legacy.

‘Paper Girls’ 1×06 review: “Matinee” is a crowd pleaser

If there is one thing Paper Girls excels at, it is the core theme that children rarely grow up to become the best version of themselves. Tiffany (Camryn Jones), our resident genius, knows she will establish an educational institution outside…

‘The Gray Man’ review: Netflix’s blockbuster thriller banks on names and goes bust

Being behind two of the highest-grossing movies of all time must bring a lot of pressure with every new project you do. Those two movies will always be tied to your name, popping up in every trailer for your next…