Week #8 of Big Brother 21 will go down as one of the season’s most memorable moments. Call it one of Jackson’s cliché lines, but this week truly came across as a roller coaster. From the power shifting toward the Jackson/Holly alliance to the now infamous Taco Tuesday, the houseguests kept us on our toes with each new development. This week is what happens when 90% of the cast comes ready to campaign and play the game. The ultimate outcome, on the other hand, wasn’t the best decision for the houseguests, but the combination of parts made up for it in the end.
Jackson was so lucky to have won Head of Household, and ultimately Power of Veto as well, this week. Heading out of Kathryn’s eviction, he was the top target on everyone’s radar. He and Holly were going to be the nominees, and the others planned to evict Jackson come eviction night. Luckily, his HOH win put him ahead of the drama to fix his issues and determine his untrustworthy targets; week #8 repaired some of the damage he caused. Jackson used the time to reaffirm connections with Tommy and members in the outsiders. He’s not out of the woods yet since he’s still too much of a threat, but he’s in a better spot than he was a week ago.
Unfortunately, he and Holly made a bad move in voting out Analyse instead of Christie. Between the two members of his former alliance, Christie is the bigger threat. She has shown herself to be a competition beast and mastering a solid social game; Analyse, on the other hand, failed to play the game of Big Brother. Hopefully, the couple won’t regret their decision to switch the vote. Keeping Christie/Tommy is a dangerous move and she has the ability to manipulate people, so right now, they took a HUGE gamble.

We need to give Christie a lot of credit. For all intents and purposes, she was 99% the guaranteed outcome for eviction night during week #8. However, she came up with a brilliant plan to target a volatile target and she got him to sing like a canary. Taco Tuesday will forever go down as one of the best last-minute saving strategies in Big Brother history.
By no means is Taco Tuesday on the same level as Dan’s Funeral from Big Brother 14 or the framing of Elissa on Big Brother 15, but this moment is now up there in the Top 10 with the greats. Christie set out to put the spotlight on Nick as her main target – she didn’t even have to say much to make it happen; he put it all out in the open and dug his own grave. Christie kept fighting until she convinced enough people to switch the vote; that’s the kind of fire needed to win Big Brother.
Nick, on the other hand, might have ruined his shot to win. He had every opportunity to steer Taco Tuesday in the direction he wanted, but he failed by opening new doors for Christie to take charge. All he had to do was say nothing. Furthermore, he didn’t need to start Taco Tuesday in the first person! HE sought HER out because he overheard her early conversation; had he paid attention more during the day, he would’ve realized Christie didn’t care to do Taco Tuesday anymore. He allowed himself to get manipulated by the likes of Jackson and Tommy. Now, he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get evicted in the next few weeks.

Analyse’s eviction came across as a surprise because she had all the makings of being the perfect goat of Big Brother 21. Analyse could’ve been carried to the end to get the second-place prize, ensuring her competitor the easy win. Let’s be honest with ourselves here: she had no definitive way to win. Sure, in an alternate timeline, she could’ve had a chance if she sat at Final 2 with someone like Nick or one of the outsiders AND her former Six Shooters alliance all voted for her to win. However, that guarantee would be a stretch.
Analyse barely played Big Brother nor knew what was going on around her. She sat around to enjoy a free summer in Los Angeles and appear on TV so that she could launch her eventual influencer career. Plus, she didn’t care about winning at all. There were multiple moments where she considered quitting to be with Jack or making moves to help others survive. Analyse didn’t want to play Big Brother – her performance is a definitive proof of bad casting.
Week #8 of Big Brother 21 was a thrilling week that continued the shifting of power dynamics within the house. Friends turned on friends, targets moved, and a blow-up exposed a threat hiding behind-the-scenes. Ultimately, the weaker competitor got evicted in the end, but thankfully, we’ll have the ensuing drama to last for another week. I can’t wait to see where things go from here.