We were so close, Nancy Drew fans! The era of #Nace was almost a reality. “The Voices in the Frost” teased the long-anticipated chat that Nancy and Ace could have about their feelings for each other. Instead, another supernatural cliffhanger tore this pair apart for us to wait a little bit longer. Nancy Drew is toying with us at this point. The show knows exactly what it’s doing to play with our emotions. So very clever and cruel.
Agent Park seems to be the new romantic rival for Nancy’s interest during the third season. This isn’t the first time Nancy Drew has paired our intrepid investigator with someone that causes sparks to fly. We had Nick and Owen Marvin during the first season, Detective Tamura and Gil Bobbsey during the second season, and now Agent Park. The pair has chemistry; their investigative styles aren’t that different and they relate to each other in their stoic approach. Plus, we can’t deny that there was some closeness when they tried to keep warm while being trapped in the cell. If everyone could see the window closing for Ace’s opportunity, it was clear that he needed to do something about it. I’m happy that the pacing is finally picking up for this storyline—there’s only so much “will-they-won’t-they” that we can hold onto.
Ace ending up in the supernatural otherworld is an interesting development. Horseshoe Bay has been the sight of many paranormal entities and cases, so having one of the main characters end up in a new reality pulls the curtain back on what’s hiding there. Could this be the ghostly realm? Is this world just a magical curse due to the lock? Whatever the case may be, the opening seems like a powerful trap that won’t be easy for Ace to escape from. Hannah played the ghostly knocker for many episodes now, so it goes to show that solving this case could take longer than expected.

When it came to the overarching mystery, “The Voices in the Frost” took too long to get to their big “a-ha” moment. Agent Park and Nancy trapped in the cell (with Ace knocked out above) felt more like a side-plot to push the love triangle instead of solving the ghost story. Everything new that we learned about the Copperhead and the Hudson history was uncovered near the end of the hour; we could’ve avoided the entirety of the jail cell scenes. Hopefully, the handkerchief comes back into play—that discovery seemed like a foreshadowing for a ritual or something to stop Temperance. Without it, we would’ve ended up with another filler plot dragging out this story.
Who will be the next target of the Copperhead? The reveal that the spirit has been targeting descendants of the nearby Civil War soldiers poses a lot of questions about possible targets in Horseshoe Bay. A few people are already dead, but the spirit has been going after specific people. My working theory is that someone close to the Drew Crew—maybe even someone from the group itself—will be a target. With such a small community in town, it’s not out of the question the fragment of Charity’s soul didn’t transfer to one of the Drew Crew’s ancestors. It would draw the line about how bad Temperance and the Copperhead will go to complete their ritual.
Speaking of Temperance, Bess needs to watch her back. Temperance will now know that someone stole a page from her diary, and only Bess (and other Drew Crew members) were the only people to actively visit her home. All Temperance has to do is perform a ritual to find out who was at her home last. Hopefully, Bess keeps a clear mind about what she does next; she’s not the coolest under pressure, and she freaked out when the page burst into flames. The Drew Crew will need to play it smart once they find out that Temperance betrayed them.

For the secondary plot, Bess’ judgment needed a bit of fine-tuning. She was so convinced that Nicole was the bad guy that it ended up blinding her from the truth; she should’ve treated her as innocent until proven guilty. If she had turned to the Drew Crew, their help could have led to find the truth, and if she were guilty, the group would find it out and turn her in. At least Nick and George gave her the benefit of the doubt.
I loved that the answer was more grounded in reality as compared to being something supernatural. Nancy Drew loves its supernatural cases, but all the crimes and mishaps can’t simply be explained away by a ghost. Sometimes it needs to be real-life concerns and answers that made it happen. And the death being an accident all along aligned to that. After three seasons of Nancy Drew cases, the truth being revealed as an accidental death wouldn’t have crossed our minds, so this was a fun twist.
George and Nick made the right call to not jump into a quickie marriage. Both were running high on happiness after saving George’s soul from Odette’s curse; that rush would’ve run out after a short time. Don’t get me wrong, they’re a great match and are deeply in love, but rushing into marriage would’ve only pushed them further toward issues they hadn’t worked out as a couple. Like, Nick running off when he’s thinking about his life or George keeping her issues all to herself. The couple needs to chat and grow together before walking down the aisle.
“The Voices in the Frost” was a decent stepping stone episode that added to the overall mystery. Each member of the Drew Crew pushed forward in their plots in positive ways, like Nancy deducing a clue, Ace wanting to approach his feelings, and etc. The storylines dragged on a bit too much, but when things ramped up, the reveals hit their marks. Now we need to get past those cliffhangers to save the day.
Nancy Drew airs Fridays at 9 p.m. EST and streams the next day on cwtv.com.