A Private War Movie Review: Rosamund Pike Does Justice To Marie Colvin’s Incredible Story

For a film about conflict, A Private War is remarkably apolitical, as well as an…

Supernatural Review Catch Up: Dean Returns, “Wayward Sisters” Sort of Gets a Follow-up

I’m desperate to get back on track with these Supernatural reviews. You know that downward spiral of…

The Other Side of the Wind Sees Long-Awaited Lost Film is a Tired Yet Furious Bridge-Burning

We’ll never actually see Orson Welles’ final film The Other Side of the Wind, no…

Interview: Livia Blackburne on UMBERTOUCHED

Livia Blackburne is a neuroscientist turned YA author of Midnight Thief, Daughter of Dusk, and…

STAR 3×05 Review: “Someday We’ll All Be Free”

We knew never to trust Olivia! Ever since Bianca’s sister arrived on STAR, there was…

Survivor: David vs. Goliath 37×06 Review: “Aren’t Brochachos Just Adorable?”

Not all challenges can be won. Sometimes, a tribe loses in a complete and utter…

The Romanoffs 1×05 Review: “Bright and High Circle”

Watching the latest episode of The Romanoffs, “Bright and High Circle,” feels akin to touching…