Survivor: Ghost Island 36×07 Review: “Fear Keeps You Sharp”

Oh Chris, your ego destroyed your game more than you ever knew. The self-involved, egotistical…

Big Brother Canada 6 Review: “Week 6”

The Head of Household curse has found another victim on Big Brother Canada 6. No,…

The Americans 6×03 Review: “Urban Transport Planning”

“Urban Transport Planning” amps up on the ambiguity as more and more character motives start…

Truth or Dare Movie Review: The Game is Lost Shortly After It Began

Games are meant to be fun. If they aren’t, then they automatically become not worth…

Supernatural 13×18 Review: “Bring ’em Back Alive”

Well, this is awkward. I’m not sure if it’s because the show is trying too…

Rise 1×05 Review: “We’ve All Got Our Junk” Was All About Strong Women

From the beginning of the episode all the way through to the end, Rise packed…

Krystal Movie Review: A Film Lacking Heart and Depth

Krystal is what happens when a terrible script is made into a film. Unsure of exactly…