Reading “The V Girl” – in GIFs

Only a couple of days after the tour, I had to post my reaction to…

JAPAN CUTS 2016: Sion Sono Roundup — THE SION SONO (2016), THE WHISPERING STAR (2015), LOVE & PEACE (2015)

This year TheYoungFolks is proud to cover the JAPAN CUTS film festival, a celebration of…

TV Review: Girl Meets World (3×07) “Girl Meets True Maya”

This week on Girl Meets World, Maya wants to celebrates being the real Maya again…

Movie Review: ‘Wiener-Dog’

I have seen a number of independent films and have thoroughly enjoyed the majority of…

Album Review: Sykes – “Younger Mind”

On the cover of Sykes’s Younger Mind, a girl holds her nose and raises a hand…

TV Review: AMC’s Preacher 1×08, “El Valero”

This week’s Preacher may be the most preacher-focused yet. I am aware Dominic Cooper has…

TV Review: Dark Matter (2×03) “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”

It turns out that the crew’s memories aren’t gone after all, which Five had to…