TV Review: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 3X19

Hello and welcome back to my weekly coverage of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Be sure to catch…

Movie Review: ‘Dheepan’ disappoints, doesn’t deserve the Palme

Well, the Powers That Be certainly took their sweet time releasing Jacques Audiard’s Dheepan. You’d…

Book Review: “Wild Swans” by Jessica Spotswood

In Ivy’s family, Milbourn women are cursed with being extremely talented and crazy. However, Ivy…

TV Review: FX’s The Americans 4×8, “The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears”

Let’s get this out of the way, “The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue…

Movie Review: ‘The Best of It’

Seventeen miles north of the Las Vegas Strip, the man sits alone in the house built…

TV Review: Stitchers – “Pretty Little Lawyers”

Stitchers was not holding back on us this week. Coining this episode the hour of…

TYF Column: What Are We Reading?

In order to spark some excitement back into the world of literature, welcome back to…