Book Review: “The Heartbreakers” by Ali Novak

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling twenty-two  sometimes I need a fun, lighthearted…

TV Review: Once Upon A Time (5×14): Devil’s Due

This week’s episode was all about first loves, with Rumple and Hook with Milah, and…

Movie Review: My Golden Days

My Golden Days brings to life the curious story about an archaeologist examining the bones…

COVER REVEAL: Ripple by Heather Smith Meloche

I’m thrilled to be revealing the cover of upcoming debut novel Ripple by Heather Smith…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead 6×14, “Twice As Far”

Credit goes to ‘Twice As Far’ for being an episode of The Walking Dead that…

Movie Review: Eye in the Sky

War and fighting has been a constant force in humanity for as long as people…

TV Review: The Magicians 1×09 “The Writing Room”

This week the fledgling show continued its streak of quality episodes with “The Writing Room” as we learn a bit more about the history of Fillory, and Julia managed a worthwhile storyline.