Blog Tour: The Smell of Other People’s Houses

Today I’m excited to kick off the blog tour for The Smell of Other People’s…

The Film Canon: My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

I was a late bloomer in the school of Hayao Miyazaki. All things Studio Ghibli…

Movie Review: ‘Forsaken’

One morning, the son arrives, face downcast and repentant. The father meets the prodigal on…

TV Review:11.22.63 “The Rabbit Hole” 1×1

J.J. Abrams has undoubtedly been a busy bee these past couple years. Not only did he…

TV Review: Vinyl 1X01 “Pilot”

In the beginning and ending of the pilot episode to HBO’s latest great-looking drama Vinyl, coked-up…

Book Review: Nicole Castroman “Blackhearts”

First of all, I am a sucker for a pirate book, and while I was disappointed that there was no piracy hidden between the pages, I am annoyed with the fact that this is a standalone novel. The ending, as truthful as it can get, really destroys the book as a whole when the reader realizes there is no sequel coming.

TV Review: How to Get Away with Murder (2×10) “What Happened to You, Annalise?”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “How to Get Away with Murder.”…