Movie Review – ‘Bleeding Heart’

Would it be impolite to point out a filmmaker’s excellence as a director while also…

Album Review : Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven

Speedin’ Bullet 2 Heaven… is something. It’s hard to really explain, despite the fact that…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine Nine (3×09) “The Swedes”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…

Movie Review – ‘Tale of Tales’

All three of them end in blood: the story of the albino twins born to…

TV Review: Survivor: Cambodia – Second Chance (31X12) “Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart”

In a backstabbing and challenging game like Survivor, there is always one moment every season…

The Film Canon: Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)

Over 200 years later and we still love Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice so much…

Jon’s Movie Review: ‘Chi-Raq’

Chi-Raq (mostly) successfully combines the over-the-top comedy style of the Greek play with the tragic, rhyming melodrama…