TV Review: Ash vs Evil Dead 1×01, “El Jefe”

There is only one word that can aptly describe Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell’s latest…

Movie Review – ‘Lost in the Sun’

First, he teaches him how to drive: “No, you gotta get it up to 50,…

TV Review: AMC’s The Walking Dead (6×04) “Here’s Not Here”

For some quick perspective, “Here’s Not Here” is the 71st episode of The Walking Dead.…

Concert Review: Troye Sivan Live

To say the way Sivan influenced and encountered his audience would have to be summed up as predator versus prey. Not only was Troye aware of his body’s movements, so was his audience.

Movie Review: ‘Burnt’

Burnt had me salivating for much more than the food that was constantly prepared on-screen.…

TV Review: Please Like Me (3×03) “Croquembouche”

  Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Please Like Me.” To catch…

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse: Review

As I walked out the theater I thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be cool to…