TV Review: Mad Men Series Finale – “Person to Person”

Note: I lost the time to review last week’s penultimate episode although many of my…

‘We Are Your Friends’ Trailer Review

Hey, remember Magic Mike? The heartwarming tale of a young entrepreneur looking to make it…

Book Review: ‘Undertow’ by Michael Buckley

I’ve been a fan of Michael Buckley since I read his “The Sisters Grimm” series…

The Film Canon: Batman Returns (1992)

In many ways, 1989’s Batman was the prototype for all subsequent superhero blockbusters. Marketing played…

The Film Canon: Psycho (1960)

Last week brought the end of the third season of A&E’s Bates Motel, but with…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×23) “Johnny and Dora”

Welcome back to my weekly review and recap of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” To catch up on…

Book Review: ‘Performing Under Pressure’ by Hendrie Weisinger and J.P. Pawliw-Fry

I’ve recently been on a self-help kick, which has essentially consisted of my adding all…