TV Review: ‘Jane the Virgin’ Chapter 15

Jane Gloriana Villanueva always had a plan. It’s something that we are reminded about in…

TV Review: Bob’s Burgers (5×14) – “L’il Hard Dad”

Bob Belcher has already proven his primary personality trait to be that of pride. He…

TV Review: Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2×18) “Captain Peralta”

This week’s episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine “Captain Peralta” is another example of why I wish…

Review: Kalahari by Jessica Khoury

When an educational safari goes wrong, five teens find themselves stranded in the Kalahari Desert…

CounterSpy is the James Bond Indie Game You’ve Been Waiting For … End Transmission.

Everyone wants to be a spy. It doesn’t matter how young, how old, how rich,…

TV Review: Once Upon a Time 4×14 “Unforgiven”

The episode begins with a very cliché nightmare that consists of some foreshadowing that (probably) nobody…

Interview: Penguin Teen on Tour

I had the pleasure of interviewing the 2015 Penguin Teen on Tour authors at the…