Music at the Movies: Best Use of Music in Films of 2014

I love a great hook, a moment where the song in the background and the…

‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Review

To make a great film about faith or the faith stories of any religion, the…

TV Review: Nashville 3×9 “First to Have a Second Chance”

Quite a lot was jam packed into the mid season finale of Nashville. So let’s…

Ally’s Movie Review: Red Knot

Red Knot takes a relationship that’s lost it’s spark, puts it into an icy situation,…

TV Review: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2×10 “What They Become” and The Inhumans Debrief!

Not only have we arrived at Agents of SHIELD’s Winter Finale, but it will be…

TV Review: The Flash (1×09) “The Man In The Yellow Suit”

With “The Man in the Yellow Suit” The Flash has proven that it can throw…

TV Review: Bob’s Burgers (5×06) – “Father of the Bob”

Bob’s complicated relationship with his dad has been hinted at before on Bob’s Burgers, but…