Big Brother 19 Review: “Week #1”

What was going on with this week?! I’ve watched many first weeks on Big Brother and usually I’ve come to expect some common storylines. Most times it is a quiet week with either an annoying houseguest or someone playing too-hard-too-fast being…

Emmy Awards 2017: And The Nominees Are…

It’s that time of year again! The 2017 Emmy nominations have been announced and, while there are plenty of expected nominations, there are a few surprise (in a good way) nominations as well. Television this year has really stepped up…

Big Brother 19 Review: “Premiere Night”

In the world of reality TV, summer doesn’t start until the doors of the Big Brother house are opened. It is three full months of backstabs, alliances, twists, and endless drama. I live for these three months – I get…

Survivor: Game Changers Finale Review: “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished” & “Reunion”

Playing the middle has its advantages. In fact, it just cashed out a million dollar cheque to one lucky castaway. The finale of Survivor: Game Changers is here and after a season of blindsides, twists, and Survivor firsts, one person…

Survivor: Game Changers 34×09 Review: “Reinventing How This Game Is Played”

Now THAT was a blindside! This latest vote on Survivor: Game Changers had all the makings of a memorable move that these castaways couldn’t waste the opportunity. None of the minority alliance players expected it, this move didn’t make much…

Survivor: Game Changers 34×08 Review: “A Line Drawn in Concrete”

I called it! I knew something like this would come back to haunt this castaway. Survivor is a cruel game that loves to dish out ironic karma. Whenever a powerful twist is handed to someone, it comes with a curse.…

Survivor: Game Changers 34×07 Review: “There’s A New Sheriff In Town”

The merge is finally here! The defining moment that significantly changes the course of each Survivor season has reached Survivor: Game Changers. I’m glad to say goodbye to Mana and Nuku. Both tribes have merged into one big group and…