TV Review : Girl Meets World (1×19) “Girl Meets Farkle’s Choice”

John Quincy Adams Middle School is like its Boy Meets World predecessor John Adams High School, a learning institution that has the means to televise its morning announcements. Big news: thanks to his paper on the orange dancing spider (ick),…

Disney Channel Shows that Rocked

  Dear kids, Yes, there was a time when Disney Channel had shows that were actually awesome, relatable, and hilarious. I like to call those times “The Good Ole Days”. It was the time when Lizzie McGuire had a crush…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×18 – “Girl Meets Master Plan”

It’s Maya’s fourteenth birthday and her mother forgot about it. She stops Riley from going out the window to confront Katy, distracting her with the friendship rings (a present from Riley) she just unwrapped. “I’ll never take this off until…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×17 – “Girl Meets Game Night”

“Family Game Night. My favorite night of the month! Me, my family, and my jammy pants,” Cory declares, opening this week’s episode of Girl Meets World and singing the song of twenty-something introverts everywhere. Lucas and Farkle buzz up to…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×16 – “Girl Meets Home for the Holidays”

Christmas at the Apartment Matthews! It’s Topanga’s first time hosting, and she’s terrified about what Amy is going to think. “It’s going to be hideous,” Cory confirms. He doesn’t care—Shawn is coming! That’s right: the prodigal best friend returns! As…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×15 – “Girl Meets Brother”

“Another year we’re not going to be cheerleaders,” Riley laments as she and Maya meander across the subway platform, rocking appropriate outfits. “Why do you make me do these things? Pom poms are stupid, and pyramids made of humans freak…

TV Review: Girl Meets World 1×13 – “Girl Meets Flaws”

It’s almost time for Awards Night at John Quincy Adams Junior High, and there are some mixed feelings in the bunch. “Scam!” Maya declares, before Cory announces that she is to be the recipient of the Griff Hawkins Totally Cool Award.…