TV Review: The Royals (1×08) “The Great Man Down”

THE SITUATION: THE KING HAS BEEN STABBED After an injured Simon is discovered, the family is put in protective custody until the palace is cleared. A reigning monarch must be sworn in while Simon’s fate hangs in the balance. It…

TV Review: The Royals (1×07) “Your Sovereignty of Reason”

THE SITUATION: THE REFERENDUM COMETH The castle falls into chaos when King Simon formally announces the referendum to abolish the monarchy. Ophelia gains the attention of the paparazzi when a topless photo from Monaco hits the tabloids. What Happens In…

TV Review: The Royals (1×06) “The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune”

THE SITUATION: WEEKEND IN MONACO Eleanor, Liam, Ophelia, Ashok (who else thought his name was Asher for several weeks? COOL ME NEITHER), Gemma, and a variety of others head to Monaco for a weekend of leisurely debauchery that ends up…

TV Review: The Royals (1×05) “Unmask Her Beauty to the Moon”

THE SITUATION: THE ROYAL MASQUERADE The annual Royal Masquerade brings some revelations for Liam’s, Eleanor’s, and Helena’s romances. The Queen’s Secret It’s “Spa Day” for Queen Helena, the day Lucius takes a Helena lookalike to the spa while the actual…

TV Review: The Royals (1×04) “Sweet, Not Lasting”

The Situation: Charity Week The Royals separate this week to put in a little facetime with their (sort of) loyal subjects. With the exception of King Simon, that is. I don’t know where he went. Eleanor’s Week of Charitable Visits…

TV Review: The Royals (1×03) “We Are Pictures, Or Mere Beasts”

The Situation: London’s Fashion Week Fashion Week: A.K.A., another week that makes everyone totally bonkers. Eleanor and Helena plan rival fashion shows, while Simon attempts to bore Liam to death with various kingly duties. Introducing Nick Despite having ended things…

TV Review: The Royals 1×02-“Infants of the Spring”

THE SITUATION: THE GARDEN PARTY “The battle for the monarchy starts today,” Helena states. The first attempt at returning to normalcy following the death of Prince Robert is a garden party celebrating the military, but is doubling as proof of…