Book Review: A Work of Art by Melody Maysonet

The last time I ever read a book this harsh and unabashed, I was sixteen and unhealthily into E.R. Frank books. I don’t think I’ll be ever able to fully describe how painful it was to read about the experiences…

Jon’s Movie Review: You’ll Want to Disconnect Everything After “Unfriended”

There are few things you should never mess with if you value your existence. Ouija boards in cemeteries. Old books bound in human flesh and inked in blood. Me in the morning before having had any coffee. Possibly the most…

The Flash Poll: Should Barry Tell Iris The Truth?

So…annoyance with this week’s buzz-worthy episode of The Flash aside, there’s still a lot to talk about. Primarily, the treatment that Iris has been getting so far on this show. Barry and Joe are stubborn and think that the best way to…

TV Review: FX’s The Americans 3×12, “I Am Abassin Zadran”

Sorry, this one may be a little shorter than normal, but along with the covert battle that is the Russians versus the Americans, I will be checking out more adventures between the rebels and the Empire at the Star Wars…

The 20 Strangest One-Hit Wonders

  There are a lot of definitions for the term one-hit wonder, but the one that has seemed to have stuck has been an artist who has had just one Top 40 hit. Since Billboard began publishing the Hot 100…

Jon’s Movie Review: “Clouds of Sils Maria” Floats Above Itself

Oscar Wilde once said, “Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life”. I’ve never really agreed with this statement because life and art feel more symbiotic to me. Without one, the other one can’t be appreciated. Clouds of Sils Maria shows…

TV Review: Daredevil (1×06) “Condemned”

This has to be one of the best things that Marvel has ever done, right? Episode six, “Condemned”, picks up immediately after the events of episode five with Matt surrounded by the police, most of whom are corrupt and are…