TV Review: Daredevil (1×05) “World on Fire”

Episode five is when I like to think that the show really hit its stride. Narratives began to hit their mark clearly and simultaneously, not one plot feeling extraneous. There were action-packed set pieces, much needed character development with Foggy…

TV Review: Fox’s Gotham (1×19) “Beasts of Prey”

Watching this all-new episode of Gotham felt like walking backwards. I say that because the show now exists in a world where we not only have a show like The Flash, which is consistently superior as far as season-length comic…

TV Review: Game of Thrones (5×01) “The Wars to Come”

After a year of thinking about the eyeless Oberyn, cheering at Joffery’s death and watching Tyrion kill his lover and his dad within minutes of each other, Game of Thrones is finally back in action. Even though episodes one through…

Music News: Brand New releases first song since 2009

Brand New released “Mene,” their first new song since 2009. The track is fast, upbeat and takes us back to Brand New’s roots. It almost reminds me of something that could have been featured on their first record, “Your Favorite…

TV Review: Outlander 1×10 – “By the Pricking of My Thumbs”

Last week’s midseason premiere was mostly clouded by the controversial spanking scene. By the end, the characters have moved on and so have we, ready to embark on the next part of their adventure. To say Outlander has some of…

TV Review: Silicon Valley (2×01) “Sand Hill Shuffle”

“Sand Hill Shuffle” is a relatively uneventful episode but two very big events set the stage for the rest of the season. The tragic death of actor Christopher Evan Welch left the show without one of it’s most interesting characters…

The Remedy Giveaway: Win a $50 Sephora Gift Card & copy of the book!

Suzanne Young brings us back into the world of The Program and The Treatment with her new novel, The Remedy. The twist this time is that this a prequel of sorts, taking place in a time before The Program. If…